What steps does Equator MFB take to protect personal information provided by unitholders?

Equator MFB deems that information provided by shareholders (primarily contact information including but not limited to name, personal addresse(s), personal telephone number(s) and personal e-mail addresse(s)) is provided on a voluntary basis and therefore is provided with deemed consent to the company. Individuals may refuse to consent to the collection, use or disclosure of their personal information by Equator MFB or withdraw a previously given consent at any time. Should consent for use and/or disclosure of personal information provided to Equator MFB be withdrawn or insufficient in order for Equator MFB to manage an ordinary business relationship, Equator MFB may be prevented from proceeding with the relationship.

Equator MFB maintains the accuracy of the information it collects and therefore, the type and accuracy of information collected is solely contingent upon what is provided to Equator MFB. Notification must be provided to Equator MFB to update or make any changes to the personal information.

Personal information collected by Equator MFB will be used solely for the purposes of carrying on ordinary business relationships with employees and third parties.

Disclosure & Retention:
All personal information collected by Equator MFB will be stored in a secure manner that restricts the right of access to only those people who have a need to know. Equator MFB will NOT disclose, reveal, share or otherwise disseminate any personal information to any one without consent unless the disclosure is Required by law or within the course of legal undertakings; Provided by the individual by formal or deemed consent or if the individual has chosen to not opt out if the option has been provided; Otherwise compliant with privacy legislation.

Equator MFB will retain personal information for a reasonable period of time and follow various retention schedules as required to effectively carry out its business in accordance with privacy legislation and other laws. Equator MFB will use care in disposing of or destroying personal information to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to the information.

Access to information:
Employees and third parties may access personal information pertaining to themselves on record by providing a written request to Equator MFB’s privacy officer. Equator MFB will make every reasonable effort to respond to the request within 45 calendar days of receiving the request. To the extent the individual can demonstrate that any objective information is out-of-date or inaccurate, Equator MFB will update or correct it.

For further information regarding the company’s privacy policy please contact the Privacy Officer by calling 234 (01) 27 1 5250 or email info@equatormfb.com.